চূড়ান্ত পাঠ্য + Patty Gii Gii থেকে San Júan, Costa Rica
পড়তে অসুবিধাজনক, তবে কিছু আকর্ষণীয় ধারণা ছিল। যথারীতি, অ্যালডাস হাক্সলি তাঁর সময়ের বহু বছর আগে ছিলেন এবং তিনি বইটিতে কিছু যুক্তি তুলে ধরেন যা আজ বিশ্বকে বহন করে চলেছে।
আমি কেবল এই সত্যটি পছন্দ করি যে এই গল্পটি তখন সম্পূর্ণ প্রত্যাশায় সম্পূর্ণ ভিন্ন উপায়ে শেষ হয়েছিল। দুর্দান্ত চরিত্রগুলি, খুব মজাদার এবং স্মার্ট। ধন্যবাদ
I probably would have given it four stars, but I work in the MMO industry and damn, Stross has it nailed. This is a brilliant look at the industry in the comparatively near future, with some fascinating speculation on the way massively multiplayer online games could spread and evolve, and the sub-industries that don't quite exist yet but will soon. (I bet someone has an FDIC-type firm in EVE Online already.) Aside from gamer-wankery, this is a ripping good thriller, with some twists that completely blindsided me and the potential for some truly excellent sequels. It's also one of the only novels I've read that is written in the second person - and pulls it off. Definitely fits with the game background ("you are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike") and after three pages I stopped noticing it at all.
I didn't really mean to start reading this, but got drawn in. Alison is a widow who is having trouble moving on with her life, and begins renovating a rusty old Corvette as a way of putting off more fundamental repairs to her world--which of course she ends up undertaking after all. Although the metaphor is perhaps a little too obvious, the writing is excellent, the observations on life are nicely formulated, and the characters are interesting enough to keep the reader's attention to the end.