চূড়ান্ত পাঠ্য + Andreas Berg Berg থেকে Kolky, Rivnens'ka oblast, Ukraine
Not bad. I really like these books as historical fiction, the setting is always very strong. Franklin doesn't over due the history but makes it plausible and interesting. Great use of the Cather movement in the plot, I found it particular interesting. And it's fascinating to think that their really were woman doctors in 12th century. The blend of fact and fiction in this series is superb. The series’ weakness I think is the characters. Adelia is massively incohesive and contradictory. Were shown again and again how willful, determined and independent she is, she often doesn't obey orders (ex. when she's told she has to stay with the princess but refuses instead nursing the sick), yet it's been completely contradictory to her characters feel and sprit to obey Henry when he tells her she's to stay in England. She should have left at the end of the first book! Her anger just at being told what to do would have made her disobey, of course it couldn't happen because then there'd be no other books. Still I can't help but note the incongruity. The O’Donnell-Adelia-Rowley love triangle however was amusing and skillfully written. I generally like the writing style, although it’s no masterpiece, and I'm impressed that this series seemed to get progressively better, instead of the usual opposite. I'd have to say the third novel was my favorite followed by this one. That really for some reason has a lot of merit to me, it's better to have sequels surpass your expectations then be disappointed. A good fast, easy read. Entertaining and enjoyable.