চূড়ান্ত পাঠ্য + Rishikesh Raut Raut থেকে নিউ ইয়র্ক
গদ্যটি অনেক সময় সুন্দর হতে পারে তবে সামগ্রিকভাবে আমি কেবল এটির সাথে সংযুক্ত হই নি
এটি একটি শিশু হিসাবে পড়ুন এবং এটি আমার জীবনকে পুরোপুরি বদলে দিয়েছে।
** spoiler alert ** Honestly, I was quite disappointed with this book. I thought the basis of the story was fantastic, and the suspense of the flashbacks kept me interested, at least. I thought that the entire Margot-Randy storyline was unnecessary and did nothing for the plot at all. I thought that the way Claire so willingly left Jon to be with Randy was unrealistic and didn't do anything for the plot. The dialogue, I found to be unrealistic - too leading, too formulated. I found it difficult to see the characters as realistic people, which the dialogue didn't help. The characters seemed to be stereotypes of a character, with little below the surface. I would have liked to have been able to connect to the characters more. Ending with Margot's letter was redundant and unnecessary, to me. It did absolutely nothing for the plot, and I actually was quite annoyed with the presence of the letter. I felt that the only real way Margot was connected to the story at all was through the unearthing of Claire's flashbacks, but she didn't serve any purpose whatsoever. The entire Margot plot could have easily been skipped, in my mind. Jon's disability, as well, served little purpose in my mind. The fact that it was part of the story truly did little to advance the plot, and seemed an annoyance as it wasn't pursued very deeply. Overall, I enjoyed the basis of the story, but found that it was tied together much too quickly and left me dissatisfied.