
Roberto Mu Mu থেকে Tahtakemer Köyü, 38900 Tahtakemer Köyü/Tomarza/Kayseri, Turkey থেকে Tahtakemer Köyü, 38900 Tahtakemer Köyü/Tomarza/Kayseri, Turkey

পাঠক Roberto Mu Mu থেকে Tahtakemer Köyü, 38900 Tahtakemer Köyü/Tomarza/Kayseri, Turkey

চূড়ান্ত পাঠ্য + Roberto Mu Mu থেকে Tahtakemer Köyü, 38900 Tahtakemer Köyü/Tomarza/Kayseri, Turkey


I had a hard time rating this book because I really thought it was good, and it really gave you pause when you thought about how easily data can be manipulated in order to show what the person using it wants you to see. But when Crichton started receiving--and accepting--all these nonsense awards from all these groups who also agree there's no such thing as global warming, well, that was just a tad too much. It's not like this is a well-reported book; it's someone's opinion made into a novel.