
Queenie Zhang Zhang থেকে Khopde Wadi, Maharashtra 412212, India থেকে Khopde Wadi, Maharashtra 412212, India

পাঠক Queenie Zhang Zhang থেকে Khopde Wadi, Maharashtra 412212, India

চূড়ান্ত পাঠ্য + Queenie Zhang Zhang থেকে Khopde Wadi, Maharashtra 412212, India


অন্যান্য 2 টি বইয়ের জন্য একই পর্যালোচনা ...


Bogus. This is very simple: the difference in *average* between male and female is always less than the difference between the *range of normal* for either. [This is the same sort of crap science used to support the ideas behind racism.] If you try and base your parenting or your educating on the average for one gender, you're going to be wrong for the individual most of the time. and if you're going to be wrong most of the time, frankly, it's just easier to have one standard, rather than two.