
S Q Q থেকে Palo Seco, Trinidad and Tobago থেকে Palo Seco, Trinidad and Tobago

পাঠক S Q Q থেকে Palo Seco, Trinidad and Tobago

চূড়ান্ত পাঠ্য + S Q Q থেকে Palo Seco, Trinidad and Tobago


This book took me quite a while to get into...but once I hit my stride towards the last 70%, I couldn't put it down! Now I am looking forward to Goliath.


There needs to be a section for "gave up reading". I enjoyed this series when I was younger, but perhaps my tastes have changed over time. Still wonderfully informative, with lively characters and great historical details, but the aspects that bothered me in the previous books were even more obvious in this addition. Sometimes there's too much exposition, and not enough solidity to the characters. I gave up after four chapters.