
Akram Sbeih Sbeih থেকে Unguwar Doka, Nigeria থেকে Unguwar Doka, Nigeria

পাঠক Akram Sbeih Sbeih থেকে Unguwar Doka, Nigeria

চূড়ান্ত পাঠ্য + Akram Sbeih Sbeih থেকে Unguwar Doka, Nigeria


আমি এটি পড়েছি তবে আমার এটির কোনও স্মৃতি নেই। কি দারুন.


মজাদার, তবে, ল্যাম্ব: গসপেল বিফের মতে (আমি এই লেখকের প্রথম বইটি পড়েছিলাম) অনেক দিক দিয়ে উন্নত ছিল, আমার মনে হয় আমি এটিকে এতটা উপভোগ করতে পারিনি।


I have been reading easy books of late. Sherri lent this to me, and it was over in a day or two. "Hunting and Fishing" is men, boys, &c. It is not clever, but I didn't figure that out till it was made very explicit at the end of the book. Perhaps this is because I read this book far too late at night, and, just like what happens to my knitting when I try to do it too late at night, I fail. The best part of this book is the chapter about the people who live below Jane's aunt. It stands totally alone, and I am glad of that. That part is quite good.