
Emmanuel Basconcello Basconcello থেকে Beklenevka, Ryazanskaya oblast', রাশিয়া, 391700 থেকে Beklenevka, Ryazanskaya oblast', রাশিয়া, 391700

পাঠক Emmanuel Basconcello Basconcello থেকে Beklenevka, Ryazanskaya oblast', রাশিয়া, 391700

চূড়ান্ত পাঠ্য + Emmanuel Basconcello Basconcello থেকে Beklenevka, Ryazanskaya oblast', রাশিয়া, 391700


Unlike some other reviewers, I actually think this book was better than the first. I feel that all of the children grew in this book. Reynie grew to trust in the goodness of mankind, or at least to trust Mr. Benedict’s opinions. Stickey became less full of himself and more confident in himself. Constance is maturing slowly, but she is maturing, and her new abilities were a fun addition to the plot. Kate grew the least but she did grow at the end when she finally realized that she is different from the “bad guys.” I liked that this book had more puzzles and clues than the first. The entire journey was made up of one puzzle after another while the first book had only a few at the beginning.. It was interesting to see the children take turns discovering the answers to the clues, although as in the first book Reynie was better at solving them than the others. I look forward to reading the third book in the series.